Top 7 Best Google Lens Tips and Tricks, Hidden Features You Should Know

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Best Google Lens Tips and Tricks, Hidden Features: While we talk about the most popular search engine then definitely Google comes at the first place. Google also developed a search engine for the physical world too named Google Lens’.

What is Google Lens?

Google lens is a photo recognition application developed by Google Inc.

This application allows you to recognize things over the internet through the use of a mobile camera.

At first, it was available for Android Devices only, but now it’s available for both Android and iOS devices. Both Android and Apple users can take benefits of this future-based tool. This tool is very useful for daily use and can save time.

Best Google Lens Tips and Tricks, Hidden Features

Copy Text from Any Source

Copy Text from Any Source
Copy Text from Any Source

Google lens makes it easy to copy text from any book, ad, notes, newspaper, notebook etc. This trick will help you when you don’t want to use your typing skill through your mobile. Then you can use google lens and you need not type you can just copy and paste the text.

You have to do nothing just open the Google Lens app and then get to the document option and then aim your phone camera to the text you want to copy. This not only lets you copy to your mobile but you can also copy it to your other devices like computer, pc, tablet etc.

Know About Book

This trick of google lens will help you to get the full details and allow you to judge the book by its cover. You have to do nothing but only put your camera on the book cover by using the google lens application and seeing the results. You will see the details and summary of the book without opening any page. This feature may allow you to get e-Books in some cases.
If you have any book and you don’t want to open this book want to know about this book, then use this feature developed by Google.

Getting about Natural Things

Getting about Natural Things
Getting about Natural Things (Image Credit: PlayStore)

If you are a nature lover and loves to know about different plants trees, animals, birds etc. then this feature is made for you. By using this feature, you can get more information about the tree, flower, animal etc.
Like if you are in a nursery and you see a flower which has never been seen before, then you will have to ask the gardener but If you have this application then you don’t need to ask anyone just open the application and put your camera to the flower and see all about this flower.

Save Contact from Business Card

Save Contact from Business Card
Save Contact from Business Card

This feature is one of the most useful features of google Lenses as it makes simplicity for all its users. You can use this feature to save someone’s contact details without filling in manually. You won’t need to type the details manually just open the Google Lens app and aim the camera to the business card and then save the contact details without any difficulty. It will save you time and will learn you more things about technology.

Getting About a Buildings, landmark

Getting About a Buildings, landmark
Getting About a Buildings, landmark

Google lens also helps you find more information about any building, architecture, landmark, places etc. When you aim the google lens camera to the building you will see the web results about that building or place. You will get all the information related to the building published on the net. This feature helps you when you are on a trip.

Reading the Real World Words Loud

Reading the Real World Words Loud
Reading the Real World Words Loud

Google lens has also the feature of reading the words of real-world which are printed on any banner, newspaper, book cover, object etc. This will also help you pronounce the words which are difficult to read. This is also one of the best tricks of Google’s lens.

Getting Restaurants Reviews Fast and Quick

Now coming to our last tips and tricks we will talk about the feature which will help you to get information and reviews of the hotel and restaurants you want to visit. It will save your time and also help you get more about that place.

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Wrapping Up

In this article, I have shared the most useful tips and tricks of the Google Lens application. These features of Google Lens will help you to get more out of Google Lens.  You can subscribe Our YouTube Channel for More updates and Tech news. We daily publish new articles about tech.

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