Top 10 Free Digital Marketing Google Course [2024]

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Free Digital Marketing Google Course: This course module offers understudies a complete outline of the advanced promoting scene and presents every one of the vital ideas and jargon that are joined in the resulting modules.

For the sake of giving you a bit of a contract, Digital Marketing is a mix of Marketing via various internet-based channels. They basically consolidate Search Engines, Social Media, and E-mails.

At the point when you get free internet-based advanced promoting courses with testaments by Google, it merits selecting the course. Gain proficiency with the basics of computerized showcasing and overcome your scene.

List of Free Digital Marketing Google Course

  1. Online Marketing Challenge
  2. Digital Marketing
  3. AdWords Fundamental
  4. Display Advertising
  5. Google Mobile Advertising
  6. Google Video Advertising
  7. Shopping Ads Certification
  8. Google Analytics
  9. Google My Business
  10. Best Tools And Practices

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Along these lines, with practically no further ado, how about we make a plunge straight into the top free Google Digital Marketing Courses on the web:

1) Google Online Marketing Challenge

Likely the best method for getting the hang of something speedy is to participate in a test. Incites help you with extending your limits and activate the fast-propelling piece of your frontal cortex.

One such course is Google’s electronic exhibiting challenge!

It’s been north of quite a while since the test was shipped off and multiple, 10,000 students globally have at this point participated in this test.

2) Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

With more than 40 hours of instructional material in both text and video format, The “Fundamentals of digital marketing” course is perfect for those who are just beginning to start their journey of displaying automated.
The course is taught in 26 modules that cover topics like Analytics Business Strategy Content Marketing, Display Advertisement, Ecommerce, Email Marketing, and many more. From SEO to digital media, The course covers everything in both text and video format.

3) Google’s Adwords Fundamental Course

Assuming you’re learning computerized promoting recently you’ll know about the way that advanced showcasing isn’t just with regards to natural outcomes, paid ads or Google Adwords is similarly significant.

There’s no doubt to the way that Google Adwords’ principal course or Google Digital Marketing Courses has changed the universe of paid computerized showcasing.

Prior to the force to be reckoned with showcasing was additionally restricted to TVs as it were. Today, you can see different web-based media powerhouses with a huge number of adherents.

4) Google Display Advertising Course

The advertisements that you ordinarily find as pictures on sites, applications, programming, and recordings are part of show advertisements. You likewise see these advertisements while dissecting Gmail records or playing a game on your cell phone. Show advertisements are the most famous notice mode on Google.

Thusly, it becomes approaching that you learn every little thing about them prior to plunging into the expert universe of advanced promotion.

5) Google Mobile Advertising Course

What number of you accept the way that cell phones have substituted the requirement for a PC to a significant degree?

Indeed, cell phones have undoubtedly supplanted the PC in essentially every other space. Regardless, it is amusement, news, media, or whatever else. Cell phones have supplanted virtually every other advanced gadget out there and have turned into a one-stop answer for each inquiry.

To tap the universe of Google Digital Marketing Courses in the 21st century, then, at that point, it is fundamental that you should learn Mobile showcasing.

6) Google Ads Video Certification Course

Videos are turning out to be more famous than at any other time in recent memory. Regardless of whether it’s YouTube or TikTok, we observe more video content today than at any time in recent memory.

Additionally, the vast majority of the video content is being consumed on advanced gadgets as it were. In this manner, it becomes fundamental that you should get familiar with the Google Video Advertising course to dominate in it.

Regardless of whether you’re an understudy or a business person, the video-promoting course will assist you with focusing on your clients productively.

7) Shopping Ads Certification by Google

Among the many free Google Digital Marketing Courses, shopping promotions confirmation is a significant course that you should peruse. Despite the fact that it is accessible free of charge, this course assists you with approving your capability to utilize shopping advertisements. By upgrading the shopping advertisements, you can contact your crowd all the more adequately and amplify changes.

Utilizing this device, you can figure out how to run shopping efforts and how to advance nearby stock.

8) Google Analytics Course

The Google Analytics course is the best Google Digital Marketing Course that you will have at any point peruse. This course assists you with learning the essentials of Google investigation. When you learn Google Analytics, you learn everything about the clients who’re coming to your site.

By utilizing Analytics, you figure out how to plan and execute techniques and gather information from your clients.

9) Google My Business Course

At the point when you don’t joke around about taking your business on the web, it is fundamental that you should be aware of Google My Business Tool. Google My Business community is a proficient device that assists you with taking your nearby business on the web and helps arrive at more clients.

Whenever you’ve perused the fundamentals of computerized promoting and are totally ready to send off your business, you really want to find out with regards to Google My Business. With this, you can find your business on Google and assist people observing your business on the top list items.

10) Best Tools And Practices by Google

At the point when you’re learning advanced promotion, the above-recorded courses are the best free Google Digital Marketing Courses that you can get confirmed from. Every single course referenced above is sought after these days among different work jobs. Every one of the understudies, yearning for computerized advertisers and business experts are learning these courses to arrive at more clients and produce more income.

Aside from these courses, Google offers a few astonishing accessible apparatuses that you should use to learn Digital showcasing completely.


Also, Google is one name that strikes a chord with each web client when they make an inquiry or wish to get some help. It resembles Google has the solutions to every one of your inquiries.

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